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Marie Stuart et Rizzio

Date publication :

Livret pour les cantates du prix de Rome 1837.

Mary Stuart, who is held prisoner, awaits the return of her lover, David Rizzio, who arrives shortly. They sing of the love they share. But Mary’s heart is troubled by dark presentiments. She sings a nostalgic and melancholy hymn to France, the country she loves, which she feels sure that she will never see again. Rizzio sings a similar hym to his native Italy. Having forced Rizzio to leave before dawn to avoid his being seen by the cruel Lord Ruthven, she finds herself alone in her room. Suddenly she hears a noise that fills her with anxiety. Rizzio, mortally wounded, returns to die at her feet. Intercepted in his flight, he has come to warn her of the danger that she too faces. Overcome by grief, Marie swears to avenge her lover, even if it means losing her life.

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(1818 - 1893)

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