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Who are we?

The vocation of the Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique française is the rediscovery and international promotion of the French musical heritage of the period 1780-1920. Its interests range from chamber music to the orchestral, sacred and operatic repertories, not forgetting the lighter genres characteristic of the ‘esprit français’ (chanson, opéra-comique, operetta). The Centre was inaugurated in 2009 and has its headquarters in a Venetian palazzo dating from 1695 specially restored for this purpose. It is an emanation of the Fondation Bru.  

Palazzetto Bru Zane

The Palazzetto Bru Zane conceives programmes focusing on the French Romantic repertory. It undertakes many complementary activities in fulfilment of its mission:
  • The conception of concerts and staged performances presented in touring productions or within the framework of its own festivals.
  • The production and release of recordings that perpetuate the artistic achievement of the projects undertaken, notably for the Bru Zane Label
  • The coordination of research projects. 
  • The cataloguing and digitisation of documentary collections and public or private archives relating to its chosen repertory.
  • The organisation of conferences in collaboration with different partners.
  • A series of books in collaboration with Actes Sud.
  • The uploading of digital resources via Bru Zane Mediabase. 
  • A web radio, Bru Zane Classical Radio, streaming twenty-four hours a day.
  • Training sessions.
  • Outreach activities aimed at young audiences through the Romantici in erba programme.