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Marie Jaëll. Musique symphonique. Musique pour piano

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couverture Portrait JaëllCD-Book. Bru Zane Label. Portrait n. 3.

Marie Jaëll probably represents the most authoritative and accomplished expression of the nineteenth-century woman musician. In spite of her coming from the provinces and despite the heavy social restrictions imposed on artists of her gender, she nonetheless succeded in being recognized as a virtuoso, a composer and as a teacher. Support from her husband - The Austrian pianist Alfred Jaëll - greatly contributed to the positive reception of her initial works for the piano, but it was by herself, armed with her talent and her resolve in the latter part of her life, that she faced up to the Parisian hurly-burly in wich she proved herself to be one of its distinctive figures. While her learning method is still taught in various different countries, little interest thus far has been shown in her music, which in the grater part is held in the Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire in Strasbourg. Formidable and ambitious symphonic works are revealed on this book-CD as well as a significant facet of her compositions for the piano.


Alban Ramaut – Marie Jaëll

Sébastien Troester – A passion for composing

Marie-Laure Ingelaere – Marie Jaëll through the eyes of her correspondents

Florence Launay – Marie Jaëll and the other women French composers from the end of the 19th century

Marie Jaëll – Music and Psychophysiology (excerpt)

Marie Jaëll – The Rhythms of the Gaze and the Dissociation of the Fingers (excerpt)

Related persons

Composer, Pianist


(1846 - 1925)
