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Paul Dukas’ approach to orchestration

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From the time of the première of L’Apprenti sorcier in 1897 through to the orchestral highpoint reached with La Péri, Paul Dukas was recognized for his qualities as an orchestrator, being variously praised for the ‘richness’, the ‘excellence’, or the ‘dazzling nature’ of his orchestration. Dukas’ early orchestral works bear witness to the development achieved by a young composer who was a contender for the Prix de Rome. Within the space of just a few years his orchestral writing becomes sharpened through skills gained firstly as an inheritance from the French school and then through coming under the influence of Wagner.

From the CD-Book Paul Dukas. Cantates, chœurs et musique symphonique (Palazzetto Bru Zane, collection Prix de Rome, 2015). Transmation: Mark Wiggins.

Related persons

Composer, Journalist


(1865 - 1935)


publication date : 09/10/23