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Le Pré aux clercs in its context

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In 1832, the Opéra-Comique felt the full force of a crisis that struck Paris particularly hard. The epidemic of cholera, the riots, the rumours of conspiracies, the state of siege in June, the insurrectional machinations of the Duchesse de Berry, the change of government... all these elements weakened the theatre, which also had to move, between March and September, from the large Salle Ventadour to the smaller and less expensive Salle des Nouveautés in the place de la Bourse.

CD-Book Ferdinand Hérold. Le Pré aux clercs (2016). Translation: Charles Johnston.

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Le Pré aux clercs

Ferdinand HÉROLD


Eugène de PLANARD


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Ferdinand HÉROLD

(1791 - 1833)


publication date : 08/01/24