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Lucien Durosoir. A modern composer born a romantic

Date of the symposium:
19-20 février 2011
Related person(s):

Actes du colloque organisé au Palazzetto Bru Zane (Venise) les 19 et 20 février 2011 avec le soutien de l'association Musiciens entre guerre et paix (MeGeP).

Comité scientifique : Lionel Pons (Université Aix-Marseille) ; Myriam Chimènes (IRPMF/CNRS, Paris) ; Luc Durosoir (fils du compositeur) ; John Powell (Université de Tulsa, Oklahoma)

“He had the utmost confidence in his music and wrote to me that, like Bach, he was putting his works in a cupboard, and they would be discovered later.” (Paul Loyonnet, Mémoires, talking about Lucien Durosoir). An acclaimed violin virtuoso in Europe before 1914, a composer living in seclusion after 1918, Lucien Durosoir has long remained unknown simply because he refused to publish his works and has only reappeared now owing to the publication of the 41 works he composed between 1919 and 1950. The two sides of his nature were therefore polarised by the Great War, which formed the axis of his life. Before it, he was an enthusiastic young man, immersed in Romanticism: a movement which influenced his education and formed the basis of his violin repertory, his poetic reading and his German culture. After it, he was a man unable to forget the horror and barbarity and who, turning his back on the literary enthusiasms of his youth, came to regard life purely as a lucid and dogged fight against adversity.


Charlotte Genovesi-Segond – Penser l’après-guerre : aspirations et réalisations dans le monde musical (1914-1918)

John Powell – Lucien Durosoir: A Life at the Crossroads

Georgie Durosoir – Lucien Durosoir : né romantique

Francis Lippa – Une poétique musicale au tamis de la guerre : le sas de 1919 ; la singularité Durosoir

Lionel Pons – Entre racines romantiques et nouveaux questionnements

Francis Lippa – La Poésie inspiratrice de l’œuvre musical de Lucien Durosoir : romantiques, parnassiens, symbolistes, modernes

Ana Stefanovič – Aube. Du poème de Rimbaud à la Sonate d’été

Lionel Pons – Lucien Durosoir, de l’œuvre au style : éléments de réflexion

Isabelle Bretaudeau – De la Berceuse au Chant élégiaque de Lucien Durosoir : ressemblances et dissemblances

Yves Rassendren – Le Balcon pour cordes vocales et instrumentales. Un hommage à Caplet ?

Jean-Claire Vançon – Les quatuors à cordes de Durosoir. Une analyse de style

Frédérick Martin – Traitement du temps et du timbre dans le Quatuor à cordes no 3 de Lucien Durosoir

Catalogue des œuvres de Lucien Durosoir

Lionel Pons – Entretien avec Luc Durosoir

Marie-Gabrielle Thierry – De sa musique à ma peinture


publication date : 13/10/23