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La Reine de Chypre

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The action takes place in 1441. The first two acts are set in Venice; and the last three, in Cyprus.

Act I

In the Cornaro Palace in Venice, Andrea is about to marry his daughter Catarina to the French knight, Gérard de Courcy. However, the treacherous Mocenigo announces the decision of the Council of Ten to marry her off to the King of Cyprus and that—if he does not force his daughter to accept this union—Andrea will face execution. Andrea is given an hour to make up his mind. He goes back on his promise to Gérard, to the great indignation of everyone there.

Act II

Catarina’s chamber in the Cornaro Palace

Catarina is waiting for Gérard. But it is Mocenigo who enters through a secret passage, accompanied by armed soldiers; he informs Catarina that she must tell Gérard she no longer loves him, otherwise he will be killed there and then. The unsavoury band disappear back into their hiding place, as Gérard enters and is extremely surprised to be rejected by Catarina, who is in despair. After he leaves, Mocenigo reappears and seizes Catarina to take her to Cyprus.


A banquet in Cyprus, before Catarina’s arrival

Mocenigo is informed that Gérard may be hiding somewhere in the vicinity. He sends his assassins in pursuit of Gérard, who is saved by the intervention of a stranger who is, in fact, none other than Lusignan, the King of Cyprus, in disguise. They tell each other their stories—without revealing their true identities—and swear eternal brotherhood. Canons announce Catarina’s arrival. 

Act IV

At Catarina’s wedding celebrations, Gérard intends to have his revenge by killing the man she is to marry but, at the last moment, recognises the King as the man who saved his life. Equally surprised, Lusignan prevents the crowd from killing him and has him imprisoned.

Act V

Two years later, the King is dying of a mystery illness. He knows Catarina has not stopped loving Gérard, who was spared from execution. He hopes she will find happiness with him. Gérard appears as a Knight of Malta and announces that the King is in fact dying from a Venetian poison, in the hope that there is still time to save him. Mocenigo announces that it is too late and that Catarina must relinquish her power to him. However, Catarina and Gérard successfully withstand the Venetian invasion. Mocenigo is captured. On his deathbed, the King hands his crown to Catarina, to whom the people swear fealty.

CD-Book Fromental Halévy. La Reine de Chypre (2018). French libretto, english translation by Sue Rose. Edited version for the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées's production (june 2017).

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(1799 - 1875)


Fromental HALÉVY

(1799 - 1862)

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La Reine de Chypre

Fromental HALÉVY




publication date : 09/01/24