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Durosoir collection

Durosoir collection

The war archives of  Lucien Durosoir form part of the first stage of making available online a collection conserved and digitised by the descendants of the composer. They are essentially made up of documents which date from the Great War: photographs and concert programmes. They illustrate the journey of the musician-soldier which, after having experienced the trenches, became a stretcher bearer without actually having to abandon his musical activities - notably in the company of  Maurice Maréchal, André Caplet, Henri Magne and Henri Lemoine. 

The publication of this collection will accompany that of the publication of the proceedings of the  symposium Lucien Durosoir. A modern composer born romantic (2011) at the heart of which can notably be found the article by John Powell, especially devoted to the period of the war  («A Life at the Crossroads»).