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Robert le Diable

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The scene is set in Sicily in the thirteenth century.

Act one

In a military camp facing Palermo harbour, during a feast held before a tournament is due to take place, the troubadour Raimbaut is invited to entertain the crowd with a tale from his native Normandy. He tells the story of Robert the Devil, the child whom the Duchess of Normandy conceived with a demon. Recognising himself in this portrait, Robert of Normandy, who is there with his friend Bertram, calls for Raimbaut to be hanged. The storyteller is spared, however, thanks to the intervention of his fiancée Alice, in whom Robert recognises his foster sister. He confesses to her that he is in love with Princess Isabella and asks her to deliver a message to the lady. Bertram lures Robert into a game of dice with other knights, and the Duke loses all his possessions.

Act two

Robert has slipped into the King of Sicily’s palace in order to talk to Isabella. The Princess is to marry the winner of the tournament, but now that Robert – whose love she reciprocates – has been stripped of his possessions, he can no longer participate. She therefore takes it upon herself to rearm him. However, deceived by Bertram into believing he is pursuing his chief rival, the Prince of Granada, Robert strays into the forest and deserts the tournament.

Act three

At the rocks of Saint Irene, Bertram meets Raimbaut, who is waiting there for Alice. He bribes the peasant and makes him renounce his fiancée’s love. He then enters a cave to converse with demons. The powers of darkness lay claim to the soul of his son, who is none other than Robert. Alice, looking for Raimbaut, overhears these exchanges and Bertram threatens her to prevent her from revealing anything to Robert. When the Duke appears, Alice flees. In despair at having pursued the illusion of the Prince of Granada, Robert is trying to find a way to win back Isabella’s hand. Bertram suggests that he should make use of a talisman that will give him the power to do so. The scene changes, revealing the vaults of an abandoned covent. Summoned by Bertram, nuns emerge from their tomb. They urge Robert to seize the talisman, tempting him with strong drink, gambling and love.

Act four

Alice comes to warn Isabella of the danger in which Robert finds himself. While the court is busy making preparations for the Princess’s wedding to the Prince of Granada, Robert enters brandishing his talisman, with which he petrifies all present. But his hopes of running off with Isabella are thwarted when she resists, and he abandons his ploy. He breaks the talisman. As the other characters come to their senses, he is taken prisoner.

Act five

In the narthex of Palermo Cathedral, Bertram reveals to Robert that he is his father. He is given one last chance: by signing his act of damnation, he will be able to triumph over his rivals. This pact would also save Bertram, who will otherwise be destroyed. Though tempted by the devil, Robert hesitates when he hears the sacred chants coming from within the cathedral. Alice arrives to encourage him to remain on the path of virtue. She reads him his mother’s testament, which warns him against Bertram. Midnight comes and goes without the pact being signed. Bertram plunges down into Hell; Robert’s soul is saved.

CD-Book Giacomo Meyerbeer. Robert le Diable (2022). French libretto, english translation by Charles Johnston.

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(1791 - 1861)



(1790 - 1868)

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Robert le Diable



