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Musique et guerre de Napoléon à la Grande Guerre

Date du colloque :
28-30 novembre 2014


Colloque organisé du 28 au 30 novembre 2014 au Complesso Monumentale di San Micheletto (Lucques, Italie) par le Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini et le Palazzetto Bru Zane, en partenariat avec l’Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et de recherche en musique (Montréal).

Comité scientifique : Étienne Jardin, Roberto Illiano, Fulvia Morabito, Luca Lévi Sala, Massimiliano Sala.

Publications liées : 
Music and War in Europe from French Revolution to World War I, sous la direction d’Étienne Jardin, Turnhout : Brepols, 2016.
Revue musicale OICRM 4/2 (2017).



Martin Kaltenecker – Listening to the War from Afar

Svanibor Pettan – How Research on Music and ‘Modern Wars’ Benefits Our Understanding of the Links Between Music and War in Historical Perspective

Musique et musicologie en France : Grande Guerre et paix 

Michel Duchesneau – « La Revue musicale » ou le phœnix musical

Martin Guerpin – Le « Courrier musical » comme instrument de propagande. Nouveaux discours sur la musique et réinvestissements des débats d’avant-guerre

Liouba Bouscant – « La musique pendant la guerre »: questions d’esthétique au temps de l’Union sacrée. Catégorisation et formes du discours esthétique dans la presse de guerre

Federico Lazzaro – L’artiste, le soldat et l’athlète. Musique de guerre, musique de sport

Music and Economics in Napoleonic Era

Henri Vanhulst – Les relations commerciales de Jean-Jérôme Imbault d’après l’acte de vente notarié du 14 juillet 1812

David Rowland – European Music Publishing during the Napoleonic Wars

Nancy November – Selling String Quartets in Napoleonic Vienna: What Can Statistics Tell Us?

Music and Revolution

Renato Ricco – Virtuosi spadaccini e suggestioni napoleoniche nella ‘scuola violinistica francese’: i casi de Le Chevalier de Saint Georges e di Alexandre Boucher

Alessandra Palidda – Milan and the Music of Political Transitions in the Napoleonic Period: The Case of Ambrogio Minoja (1752-1825)

Michaela Krucsay – «…Frau von Cibini will not return as long as one student in Vienna is left.» Katharina Cibbini-Koželuch and the Revolution of 1848 in Austria

Walter Kreyszig – Franz Joseph von Sauer’s «Allgemeines Wiener Aufgeboth» of April 4, 1797 in the Musical Depiction by Johann Baptist Vanhal (1739-1813): On the Nexus of «stile galant», «stilus mixtus», «Fortspinnung» and Alberti Bass

Opera and French Revolution

Maxime Margollé – Du « Nouveau d’Assas » (1792) aux « Mariniers de Saint-Cloud » (1799) : l’influence de la guerre sur le répertoire d’opéra-comique pendant la Révolution

Sonia Mazar – Opera and Revolution: Political Critique in Opera by Daniel-Francois-Esprit Auber «La Muette de Portici»

Maria Birbili – Battle and Siege in the Opera of the French Revolution and in the Opera of the Napoleonic Era

Opera and War

Yaël Hêche – « C’est par mes bienfaits que je veux t’enchaîner ». Napoléon Ier, la guerre et la paix dans « Fernand Cortez ou La conquête du Mexique » de Gaspare Spontini

Riccardo La Spina – «Ecco il loco destinato» – Original Italian Opera as a Response to European Invasion in 1863 Mexico

Military Music and Military Bands

Michaela Freemanová – Václav František Červený (1819-1896) and his Followers

Bruce Gleason – Horse-Mounted Bands of Europe: «La Fanfare de Cavalerie de la Garde Républicaine»

Morag Josephine Grant – Music at the Moment of Violence: The Great Highland Bagpipe in the Long Nineteenth Century

Vesna Mikić et Maja Vasiljević – Music Tours of Serbian Military Orchestras in Great War: A Quest for Cultural Cooperation and Alliance

Manfred Heidler – German Military Music during World War I: Remarks on a Musical Phenomenon Manifesting itself between the Glory of Prussia, Concert Halls and Materiel Battles

George Brock-Nannestad – From the Battlefield to the Drawing Room. The Domestication of the Military Band

Patrick O’Connell – Military Music and Rebellion, Ireland, 1793 to 1816

David Gasche – «Harmoniemusik» and Military Music with some Observations on the Wind Octet «Gott erhalte den Kaiser» by Joseph Triebensee (1810)

Tobias Fasshauer – Globalizing the Military Style: Transatlantic Interrelations in Belle Époque March Composing

Music in France during the WWI

Eric Sauda – Song at the Home Front during the Great War

Yves Rassendren – Composer au front. 1914-1918 : Le cas des musiciens français

Frédéric de La Grandville – Guerre et paix à Paris entre 1795 et 1815 : incidences du militaire sur le Conservatoire de musique

Music and the First World War

Cristina Scuderi – I canti italiani di protesta nella Grande Guerra

Giuseppe Sergi – New Aesthetics Leanings: E. A. Mario and the «canzone di guerra» during the World War I

Jan Dewilde – The “Great War” in Belgium, Reflected in Music

James Garratt – «Ein gute Wehr und Waffen»: The Functions of Organ Music in the First World War

Lucy Church – Musical Moral Panic: American (over)Reactions to Enemy Musics during the Great War

Music for War / Music and War

Bella Brover-Lubovsky – Music for Cannons: Giuseppe Sarti in the Second Turkish War

Maria Rose – The Death of a General and the Birth of Romantic Music: General Hoche in 1797

Ryszard Daniel Golianek – A Valiant Nation. Images of Poland and the Poles in German Music ca. 1830

Chloe Valenti – «To Arms! Fair Land of Sweet Music»: Garibaldi Songs in Late Nineteenth-Century England

Sara Navarro Lalanda – L’assedio di Tetuan (1859- 1860): un elemento di unità in tempi di instabilità nazionale

Music and Politics: Aesthetic and Ideological Perspectives

Guillaume Tardif – Music on Which Wars Open and End: The Genres of the National Anthem and the Instrumental Elegy in Europe as They Appear in the Concert Repertoire for Violin in the 19th Century

Viktor Nefkens – A Cosmopolitan Take on «Deutschtum»: On the Constitution of Richard Wagner in the Aesthetic-Ideological Context of Austro-Marxism

Alison Sanders McFarland – Gustav Holst, Empire, and Approaching War

Mark McFarland – Musical Masks in Pre-War Paris

Michael Palmese – Reaching for the Past: «Le tombeau de Couperin» and «Symphonies d’instruments à vent» as Artistic Responses to World War I

Programme Music and Battle Pieces

Rainer Kleinertz – Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7: A ‘War Symphony’?

Stephanie Klauk – Musiche italiane sopra battaglie di Bonaparte

Maria Teresa Arfini – «La Victoire de Wellington» di Beethoven nella teoria della significazione musicale di Adolf Bernhard Marx

Mariateresa Storino – Solidarietà dei popoli e idea di patria: i poemi sinfonici di Augusta Holmès


Œuvres en lien

La Muette de Portici

Daniel-François-Esprit AUBER



Fernand Cortez ou La Conquête du Mexique



Étienne de JOUY Joseph ESMÉNARD

Le Tombeau de Couperin

Maurice RAVEL


date de publication : 04/10/23