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Saint-Saëns classique et moderne ?

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Studying Saint-Saëns’ published writings make it possible to determine his personal definitions of classicism and modernism. In his view, Berlioz, Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt and Wagner were emblematic of the modernity of their time, innovators who had influenced him deeply and whose originality he endeavoured to impress on his contemporaries. From 1872, Saint-Saëns put forward his point of view in the press, using it as a tool which he soon realised was effective in championing his friends and models (past and present), and in spreading the ideas which he held dear. His works as a composer tended more towards a type of “classicism” in their language and style of writing, upholding a musical Parnassus whose purity of style and perfection of form he was keen to promote; on the other hand, the composer’s attitude, his writings and his commitments at the very heart of musical life display a remarkable modernity. 

Related persons

Composer, Organist, Pianist, Journalist


(1835 - 1921)


publication date : 26/09/23