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Persistance de la vieille lanterne magique. La circulation des décors lumineux d’Eugène Frey sur les scènes parisiennes.

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The painter and set designer, Eugène Frey (1864-1940s), is generally only known to historians through the endless reproductions of illustrations of the projection device used on stage in the early 20th century to depict the ride of the Valkyries. This study endeavours to trace the Parisian career of this magic lantern practitioner and the evolution of his projection technique, inspired by the shadow plays at the Chat Noir cabaret but pioneered at a time when cinematography had already become established in many places. The use of Frey’s “luminous scenery” in various Paris theatres (Opéra de Paris, Théâtre de la Gaîté, Casino de Paris) makes it possible to examine the longevity of a medium regarded as “outmoded”, as well as the technical aspects of bringing projectors into theatres and the reactions of dramatic circles to the projected images.


publication date : 26/09/23